Sadly beautiful sounds of the Spanish composer Xavier Montsalvatge from Catalonia. From his 1945 composed Cinco canciones negras we have chosen Canción de cuna para dormir a un negrito. Inspired by Cuban music, the lullaby lets us look deep into the soul of a woman in its dissonances and reveals with her the oppression and limitless abuse of the many millions of abducted and enslaved people of Africa. At the same time, however, our eyes are also looking forward to us., who can't be robbed of one: hope. soprano: Patricia Trujano GranadosKlavier: Andreas WagnerVideo and Sax: Alexander Uhl
Video: Ninghe (Lullaby to sleep a negrito)

Patricia Trujano Granadossinging, Kamera, Audio-Recording

Andreas Wagnerpiano

Alexander UhlSaxophon, Video, Kamera